Committed to helping children and families in developing countries.

Our mission is to relieve suffering, provide healing and save lives.

Eaglecom Foundation is a private foundation that provides funding for vital life necessities including education, clean water, food, emergency shelter and medical care, for children and families in need. For over 25 years, we have been generously funded by Eaglecom Inc., and individual donors, including staff colleagues, family and friends.

We are a Canadian registered charitable foundation and issue tax receipts for all donations. 100% of all donations are given directly to the lifesaving programs we support.


Upendo Friends School was founded in 2006 by Isabella Mwampamba in Tanzania, East Africa. Today, Upendo provides a very high quality, English language education, hot meals, recreation and so much more to hundreds of poor children in the region. For kids living in poverty, an education like this can forever break the cycle of poverty.

Upendo began with 8 children. Today, it has grown to over 300 students and 50 full-time staff and teachers.

All the children receive two hot, nutritious meals a day, school books, supplies and a uniform. The curriculum includes all traditional academics as well as computer training, physical education, and practical life skills. Recently, Upendo also built an on-site dormitory for student boarders who live in remote villages.

Thanks to your support, Upendo Friends School is truly changing lives forever.

Our Partnership

Eaglecom Foundation has partnered with Upendo Friends School since 2009. We provide monthly support for staff salaries, books, food and uniforms. We also help with building expansion needs and other capital expenses as we are able.

The needs of Upendo are great, and the children need our support. Please consider making a donation today to help the children of Upendo.

Other Projects

In addition to our ongoing support for our primary project, Upendo Friends School, Eaglecom Foundation supports other organizations working to relieve suffering through humanitarian aid. Over the past year, the foundation has helped support the following projects and organizations.


PREFER Rwanda (Poverty Reduction, Education and Family Empowerment) is a community development organization, located in Musanze, Rwanda. It was founded by Cathy Emmerson in 2004, and has grown to support hundreds of severely impoverished people throughout Rwanda. Specifically, PREFER has built and operates an elementary school for needy children, and builds small homes for families with nowhere else to go. Eaglecom Foundation is proud to be a funding partner, and to date we have been able to provide funding for 14 homes and counting. By providing a warm place to sleep, a kitchen for cooking, and solar panels for electricity, PREFER changes everything for a family in need.

UNHCR logo

UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, is the world’s leading organization providing assistance and protecting people forced to flee their homes due to violence, conflict, persecution or disaster. UNHCR delivers lifesaving shelter, food, water and medical care to millions of refugees and internally displaced people around the world. Eaglecom Foundation has recently supported UNHCR’s relief efforts for South Sudanese refugees in Uganda, Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh, and displaced families in Afghanistan.

Doctors Without Borders logo

Doctors Without Borders (MSF) is an international disaster response organization that provides medical aid to help people in conflict zones, natural disasters and epidemics. MSF works in some of the most dangerous and volatile countries in the world, helping people in need, regardless of their race, religion or political affiliations. Eaglecom Foundation has supported MSF’s lifesaving work and emergency medical aid in some of the world’s hardest-hit places, such as South Sudan, Afghanistan and Yemen.

Against Malaria Foundation logo

Against Malaria Foundation provides inexpensive bed nets to protect families from contracting malaria. A preventable disease, malaria continues to afflict millions every year, especially children. But bug nets save lives, and 100% of all funds donated goes toward buying bed nets for those in need. This year, Eaglecom Foundation provided funding to purchase thousands of anti-malaria nets, protecting thousands of children and families in 10 poor villages in Nigeria.

Thank You To Our Donors

Thank you to everyone who has ever supported Eaglecom Foundation and the projects we fund. Your donations have truly saved and changed lives forever.

And thank you to the following generous donors for your financial support in FY2024. You are making a significant difference in people’s lives, and we can’t thank you enough.

$25 – $499
  • Aleks Lepilin
  • Mark Wise
  • Patricia Sullivan
  • Shannon Marks
$500 – $999
  • Kerri Marks
  • Lilian Szeto
$1,000 – $4,999
  • Amy Watson
  • Doug Gahm
  • Emily Knope and Benoit Tuyisenge
  • Greg Hall
  • Jennifer Cantrell
  • Joanne Miller
  • Matt Bershadker
  • Robert Phillips
  • Sarah Benson
  • Shay Kharadi
  • Todd Hendricks
  • Tony Moraes
$5,000 – $9,999
  • ACCOUNTabill Corporation
  • Amanda Adams and Ted Husband
  • Annie Wong
  • Catherine Robertson
  • Geoff Pennal
  • Irene Craig
  • Larry Marks
  • Lindsay Christensen
  • Mark Miller
  • Maryann Thompson
  • Preet Kaur
  • Ravita Seetahal
  • Sherry Miller
  • Zachary Ortmann and Rachel Knope
$100,000 or more
  • Eaglecom Inc.
  • Graham Knope and Carol Miller

Eaglecom Foundation
2300 Yonge Street, Suite 1700, Box 2416
Toronto, ON, Canada M4P 1E4

For general inquiries and funding proposals,
please contact us at: